Monthly Horoscope
August 2020
Travel, eat, sleep, repeat!
Check your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs for a comprehensive astrology interpretation. Don't know your rising sign, check out my free birth chart calculator.
You are a bright star all this month. The sun is transiting your 1st house and is vitalizing your physical body. When the sun returns to your natal placement, you are having a solar return. Happy Solar Return!
Leo, Mars in the 9th house will be squaring the Capricorn planets in the 6th House. You will feel a lot of responsibilities and daily duties which can go against your beliefs or legal matters. Mars, your ambition and drive, will be in the 9th house of personal beliefs, philosophies, foreigners, adventures, and travel. You will fight for your beliefs and passionate about your higher mind philosophies. The tension can be felt by feeling exhausted or even ill. Take care of your body and set time aside to exercise and stretch. Reorganize your daily routines to incorporate a new strategic plan to achieve a healthier lifestyle and solidify you believes. You may be thinking of studying something new and your daily routines is not allowing you to fit this schooling in, think outside the box to solve this dilemma as your hard work will pay off. If you were planning on travelling your planned trip will have to be postponed or you will find lots of delays. Make sure you are getting enough Vitamin D; Leo’s enjoy the summer months and love to socialize. If you cannot escape on a getaway, use your creativity and tan in your back yard.
New Moon in Leo on 8/18/20
New beginnings regarding your physical body and lifepath. This is all about you!! You will have a few planets in your 6th house of health, daily routines, and work... This new moon can be great if you are so inspired to create a new lifestyle, new health regime, or new you. The New Moon is conjunct mercury the ruler of your 2nd and 11th house so setting intensions to manifest wealth and stability.
Venus will be entering your 12th house after being in the 11th house for such a long time. Venus in the 12th house enjoys disconnecting from reality and relaxing. Venus transiting this house will also activate bed pleasure sensuality. If you are in a relationship this is a great time to connect on a very deep level. IF you are single, you can practice self-love and pamper yourself.
Leo's Crystals for the Month:
Carnelian- Boldness and Drive
Amber- Energy and Healing
Love, Abundance, Luck,