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mié 27 de jul


Online Course Hub and Zoom

Sun ☀️ Meditation Challenge

🧘‍♂️ Improve your Life and Develop your Intuition

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Sun ☀️ Meditation Challenge
Sun ☀️ Meditation Challenge

Horario y ubicación

27 jul 2022, 4:15 p.m.

Online Course Hub and Zoom

Acerca del evento

There are many benefits for sun meditation. This course will teach you how to sun ☀️ meditate safely while activating your third eye, raising your energy, and aligning with astrology. There is no other program like this. The best part of the program is that it holds you accountable to finish sun meditation challenge with the dedicated Private Group.

There are 2 main areas that sun meditation improves which I explain further in the course.

•Physical Benefits

•Spiritual Benefits

I mapped out the suns journey from Leo ♌️ seasons to Virgo Season. I analyzed all the Sun ingresses and there is some intuitive astrology happening. There is no other time than NOW to work on yourself, build a positive mindset, and honor your intuitive gifts.

The Challenges end at Sun ingresses

•The 30 day Challenge ends at Virgo ♍️ ☀️ ingress

If you are ready to take your intuition to a new level, raise your vibration, and develop a positive mindset this is the CHALLENGE for you 🫵 —Join if you are ready for the change and commuted set time aside for yourself !

Welcome to the sun ☀️ Meditation challenge.


  • Sun ☀️ Meditation Challenge

    Welcome Zoom Call 30 day Challenge 💪🏼 Sun ☀️ Meditation Course Sun☀️ Meditation Private Group

    USD 47.00
    Comisión de servicio: +USD 1.18
    Venta finalizada


USD 0.00

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