Astrology 101 🔮 Introductory Class
vie 18 de sep
|Zoom Event
Welcome 💗, in this beginners’ class, I will teach you the fundamentals of astrology, how to cast natal charts with free astrology programs and more. You’ll learn the basics of astrology language. From the astrology glyphs, where to start analyzing , and how to dive deep into your star map.

Horario y ubicación
18 sep 2020, 5:45 p.m. GMT-7
Zoom Event
Free Registration
Live class access through zoom. (If you can’t make it consider purchasing a ticket as you will be able to view later and receive a handout as well)
0,00 US$Entradas agotadasAstroStar ⭐️ Student
AstroStudent Ticket includes: 🔮Live Event Link 🌙 Link to Recorded Class 💝 Handouts 🍀 A chance to have your astrology chart selected during Live Event and briefly interpreted during live class. (Must be on live meeting in order to be selected) 💫 A link to recording will be emailed to you after class along with any class handouts. 💞 Lifetime access to recording 💫 Are you ready to learn “What’s in your stars?”
11,11 US$+0,28 US$ de comisión de servicio de entradasVenta finalizada
0,00 US$