Monthly Horoscope
October 2020
You got money and Career on
your mind.
Check your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs for a comprehensive astrology interpretation. Don't know your rising sign, check out my free birth chart calculator.

Cancer, Full moon in Aries on October 1st-2nd occurs in your 10th house of Career and Status. The moon is aspecting your rising sign, sun, or moon and providing some tension. Lighting some fire on your bum. It's time to start putting in some work. There is nothing wrong with some elbow grease. You may be burdened by work responsibilities, but trust that everything will work out. . Check out my YouTube video on the Full Moon in Aries.
On September 9th, Mars retrogrades in your 10th house of career and status. Hopefully you been setting plans and now it’s time to get to the nitty gritty and research your approach. Everyone loves to dream up goals and be ambitious but the strategic execution—well that’s the key to success. You may feel a little restless or have a lot of bottled up energy. Get it out of your system! Cardinal Cancer and cardinal Aries MC have the capability to be their own bosses or lead a company to greatness. Tap into your inner strength and program your mindset to achieve! Jupiter goes direct mid-month, in your 7th house of partnerships and marriage. You been dealing with a lot of transformation the past few years. Jupiter’s transit through your &th house although a bit bitter is bringing blessing to that area. Great time to collaborate with others and bond deeply with committed partners. You will definitely find the reward.
New Moon in Libra
On October 16th, there’s a new moon in Libra in the house of home and family. Great time to renovate the home or set intentions to purchase a new home in the future. Time to beautify your home and surroundings.This is also an ideal time to release any old generational trauma that may be affecting your spiritual evolvement. Let that shit go.
Love, Abundance, & Luck,
Check out the rest of the zodiac signs (sun, moon, rising) and build your horoscope for August. Click here.