Born & Raised in Los Angeles Cali.
Hey! I'm Krystal, aka AstroKrys, an L.A. woman with an optimistic heart, a love for astrology, and a dream to make a difference. I am proud to say that I Iove coaching and guiding people. I'd like to assist in helping others find their abilities to live a great life. My goal is to have changed the lives of one million people through my work.
As a little girl all I did was stare at the stars and read everything astrology. Back then, my idol was Walter Mercado, a Puertorican Television Astrologer. He recently passed away and his passing was so heart felt.
Throughout my teen years I got myself into a bit of trouble but Astrology saved my life... How stupid does that sound? Well it's true. I had a very unstable upbringing that forced me to grow up too quick. I've always been very empathic and sensitive, Pisces Sun. However, my life also had a lot of violence and deep down to the core transformation. Thanks to my Scorpio stellium! I didn't have anyone to express all of my deep feelings so I started reading. Reading about the occult, angels, crystals, shamans, paranormal, and even aliens. Yup, you couldn't get me out of the bookstore. (I'm really dating myself.)

After years of taking so much, I stumbled up on a book called "Parker's Astrology" by Julia & Derek Parker. I was hooked, I mean I spent hours in the bookstore, until I saved up enough money to buy it. I remember reading the meaning of my moon and also the meaning of the house it was located in. That Pluto brings lots of violence, secrets, and turmoil in the home life when located in the fourth house. This book was just scratching the surface but it lead me to where I am now. I learned to embrace everything that was "me" and cope with the so not so happy parts of my life. I healed my pain, my sorrow, and loneliness with getting to know me on a deeper level. I accepted my destiny as a karmic path to finding "Me". The "Me" that loved to dream, adventure, and travel the world. The "Me" that loved to read and learn about spiritual practices and occult esoteric knowledge. The "Me" that was not defined by her early upbringing but the "Me" that was the architect of her own life and chooses to make the Rest of her life the Best of her life.
Astrology gave that to me; it gave me the tools to discover my will, strength and change my psychology. Astrology healed every cell in my body along with forgiveness and compassion. I've been redesigning my life ever since I learned astrology.
Now my mission is to help others find their own happiness. Whatever that my be. To let go of anything pulling them back or sinking them in. To not just tell you why things are the way they are but to teach you how to fish and then cook yourself a gourmet style dinner. Sole meunière, anyone?. I've been trained by world famous astrologers from United States and Europe. I am super exited to share, serve you, guide you, and teach your everything I know and make a difference with acts of kindness. Always sending Abundance, Love, and Blessings.